2021 IWD Choose To Challenge

International Women's Day 2012 - Choose to Challenge

Today, I #choosetochallenge what winning and leadership look like.

I pledge to celebrate those who coach, teach, mentor, and help others reach their potential. I will place a higher value on communication and management styles that aim to nurture rather than control.

Winning is the unnamed female rider in an XC mountain bike race I was in a few years ago. This person was a fast biker (she ended up 2nd or 3rd overall out of about 300 mixed riders I believe)… but the amazing thing was that every time she caught up to a slower rider in front of her, instead of just passing them, she coached them. She gave them tips on how to take the next corner or obstacle faster, encouraging them, building their confidence – all during the race. She was the best example I have seen of fair play and what it takes to make a community thrive and feel welcoming. She helped lots of people win their own victories that day.

Leadership is not at all about projecting confidence and speaking boldly. It cannot be about using your talents to overcome things alone. To me, the best leadership is about making others feel confident enough to take their own the steps towards success.

Winning and leadership together is working to make a team / company / community / family / class / congregation / country achieve their full potential. I am so grateful for every woman who’s helped me along the way or provided me with a role model to try and live up to.

I pledge to celebrate those who coach, teach, mentor, and help others reach their potential and place a higher value on communication and management styles that aim to nurture rather than control.